Seawalk: Rehabilitating our waterfront.
2013: To evaluate change along the shoreline proposed for a seawalk, I georeferenced a series of historical maps and vertical air photography spanning about a century. The area proposed for seawalk construction was all outside of Egan Drive riprap. The series documents glacial rebound, steady advance of fill, and development spreading over former tideland, gradually sealing-off Áak’w Village. Also in this collection are ground-based and aerial oblique views. Concluding section contains a series of stereopairs for 3D viewing under a stereoscope.
PS, October, 2022: The Seawalk was completed in 2018, four years ago. For me and many downtown residents, this lovely walk has radically enhanced our relationship to Dzantik’i Héeni’s delta and the city waterfront. I expect that importance to grow as I get older and slower.
But at the other end of life, Seawalk has not achieved its potential for education. When Steve Merli and I led a teacher outing from high-school Egan overpass through harbor to the Whale for STEAM-2022, a quick poll showed that few had either the time or comfort-level to come here with their classes. We need to make this easier! One step would be to create quicker, safer access, bypassing the Egan-to-Bridge intersection. My updated pdf maps this out on page 12.