Bishop 1989 Haines Airport phase-2
Return to the Nexus Between 1988 and 1989, Environaid made a total of 8 visits to Sawmill Wetland. Initial work…
1989 | Bishop, Bishop & Carstensen | 47
In fall, 1992, naturalist Greg Streveler and I brought a teachers’ workshop to Deishu, trail’s end (Haines).
Overview materials from our 3-year series of teacher workshops are described and linked in Nature near the schools. Materials specific to Jilkáat & Jilkoot Aaní are available as a xx-MB pdf & xx-MB pptx
Return to the Nexus Between 1988 and 1989, Environaid made a total of 8 visits to Sawmill Wetland. Initial work…
1989 | Bishop, Bishop & Carstensen | 47 pages