Natural history of Southeast Alaska

Nature is divided into:



● Ecology 101,  and


Explore these subcategories, or view the entire JuneauNature hierarchy at this site map.

Other sources for Southeast Alaskan natural history

Southeast Alaskans are blessed with 2 websites hosted by dedicated naturalists Bob Armstrong (Juneau) and Matt Goff (Sitka) that are structured mostly taxonomically. Collectively this pair of sites-–in rather different ways–-covers such an extraordinary sweep of kingdoms, phyla, orders, families and species that it would be silly for JuneauNature to emulate them. You may notice that I don’t even have a page in this Nature section for Plants. Bob and Matt have done that already.

Bob’s site naturebob presents his greatest hits, all free, collected over more than a half-century of still photography and (recently) videography. But it’s not just an image-&-movie repository. The Videos section of naturebob is annotated with observations on behavior that would escape those of us less attuned to trophics, life-cycles, display, or anatomy, and it links to a wealth of other sources.

Matt’s site sitkanature is modestly subtitled ‘An aspiring naturalist learns his place.’ But don’t let that ‘aspiring’ fool you. This guy long ago earned his naturalist’s merit badge, as our mutual friend Scott Harris puts it. Matt’s also host of the Sitka Nature Show––radio interviews with interesting Alaskans, archived on his website, 158 of em, as of summer, 2018.

Because Bob and Matt have done so well with organizing and presenting the taxonomy of Southeast flora and fauna, and because my interests lean more toward geography, habitat relations, human history, etc, the species-by-species portion of JuneauNature>Nature is comparatively skeletal. I’m using it mostly as a place to opportunistically hang cool stuff that comes my way. I hope you enjoy browsing here. But for encyclopedic critter (& plant) stuff, visit naturebob and sitkanature.