Lake outlet and confluence with Gathéeni (Tsirku River)

Where indecisive (sometimes reversing!) outflow from this 6-mile-long lake meets Gathéeni, sockeye stream (Tsirku River) lies a fluvial geomorphologist’s smorgasbord and a fish manager’s nightmare.

This map for lake outlet and Tsirku confluence can be downloaded as a geopdf for navigation in Avenza

Fickle confluence of lake outlet stream with Gathéeni is one of the most complex and dynamic in Southeast Alaska

Download 7MB geopdf here): †PDF_Download

In this section

Bishop 1989 Chilkat Lake outlet floods

Flooding of Tsirku River into Chilkat Lake: impacts on salmon For Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA), Dan Bishop and…

1989 | Bishop & Carstensen | 53 pages