Airphoto historical series for school surroundings

In this section we present short pdfs for the surroundings of local schools. Each page features a precisely scaled and aligned aerial photograph, ordered on adjacent pages for precise point-to-point comparison of changes with human construction, forest clearing, and/or successional development. Many of these air photos are the same as those included as 3D stereograms in the earlier workshop materials. The difference in these “pageflippers” is that they make decade-to-decade comparisons easier than in stereopairs, where alignment is dependent on the plane’s flight direction.

These historical series are also well suited to projection as slideshows. I’m also loading them as powerpoints, minus the annotation included with the pdfs. This gives teachers more flexibility, to customize sequences, and to use the photo-comparisons as puzzlers—always more interesting than predrawn conclusions.

Moving roughly from NW to SE, our school-history pageflippers are:

● Auke Bay ● UAS campus

● Mword River School

● Sít’ Eetí Shaanáx (Glacier Valley) ● Floyd Dryden

● Riverbend ● Thunder Mtn High

● Dzantik’i Héeni Middle School

● Harborview ● Kalé (JDH) ● Yaakoosgé Daakahídi ● Montessori ● Charter

● Sayéik (Gastineau)

In this section

Auke Bay School-UAS historical series

History from the air Georeferencing old and recent vertical air photos in ArcMap makes it easy to export exactly scaled-&-aligned…

2021 | Richard Carstensen | 9 pages

Sayéik historical series

History from the air Georeferencing old and recent vertical air photos in ArcMap makes it easy to export exactly scaled-&-aligned…

2021 | Richard Carstensen | 8 pages