Hammered gems & unproductive leftovers.
In 2008, Bob Christensen and I were 3 years into the Ground-truthing Project. During those 3 years, the Forest Service…
2008 | Carstensen & Christensen | 30 pagesDiscoverySoutheast.org
The older I get, the more I think about the importance of mean and maximum species age. How does age of a community’s members relate to the other great conceptual underpinnings of Ecology 101: trophics, succession, landscape ecology, resilience and productivity? How does understanding of species longevity inform sustainable lifeways?
In the 3rd edition of The Nature of Southeast Alaska, I added a sidebar called Harvesting longevity, about often-overlooked antiquities. Here’s the first and last paragraph from that cross-taxon tour through mollusks, groundfish, trees, and deer:
Maximum recorded ages of Alaskan groundfishes. Our state’s oldest and second-oldest documented fish—a 205-year rougheye and a 157-year shortraker rockfish—both came from Southeast Alaska. Data from Munk (2001)
‘Whether studying clams, fish, deer or trees, northern researchers and naturalists frequently learn that life-span data from southern climes are inapplicable here. Underestimating longevity has serious consequences, especially for wild flora and fauna treated as commercial, sport, or subsistence species. . .
Compared to many large, hollow-centered yellow cedars farther south on the Tongass, Juneau’s cedars are relative youngsters. The extracted increment core suggested this 16-incher on south Douglas Island probably didn’t colonize until the late 1600s. Just a teenager in yellow-cedar years!
. . . ‘Harvest’—a term borrowed from agriculture—is of dubious merit when applied to seas or forests where cycles of birth-to-death are less visible, less understood, and less amenable to control. The consequence of overharvest is quickly obvious to a farmer, who sinks or swims financially on personally owned land. But when ‘harvesting’ wild ‘resources’ from public lands and waters, it’s harder to assign blame, or to instill restraint. For some managers and harvesters, exhaustion of one species is simply a cue to move on to another one, perhaps equally ill-suited to commercial or even casual extraction. This frontier mentality is a bull in the china shop of long-lived species.’
download sidebar essay Harvesting longevity (1MB)
In 2008, Bob Christensen and I were 3 years into the Ground-truthing Project. During those 3 years, the Forest Service…
2008 | Carstensen & Christensen | 30 pagesThe Ground-truthing Project, sponsored by Sitka Conservation Society, ran from 2005 to 2010. Kenyon Fields at SCS administered the program,…
2005 | Carstensen & Christensen | 63 pagesPresentation for Evening at Egan On November 9th, 2018, I gave the second in a series of 4 lectures for…
Nov, 2018 | Richard Carstensen | 36 minutesIn 2009, after several years of cruising the Tongass timberlands under the auspices of Sitka Conservation Society, I wrote them…
2009 | Richard Carstensen | 19 pages