Downloadable presentations for teachers & naturalists
2020: Downloadable powerpoints are a recent addition to JuneauNature media. As the 2020-21 school year begins, I’m uploading some fairly ‘historical’ presentations, created originally as 35-mm slideshows. With advent of digital imagery and projection, I scanned em and converted. Easier to share this way, and—hopefully—more adaptable to a wide variety of educators’ needs. Other more recent slideshows may be added, but for now the collection comes from our Nature near the schools archives of the early 1990s.
Although presenter notes are included in each .pptx, I’ve paired it with an associated script in pdf form—slides inserted as thumbnails. You will probably find the annotation rather long and detailed. I’ve provided them not to be read verbatim, but to make sure you have plenty of background information, for exploring each image or map in depth with your students.
Please make these shows your own, mixing and matching, inserting newer stuff from your own resources. And check out the fantastic nature library on Bob Armstrong’s naturebob. Like JuneauNature, materials on Bob’s site are free. We both consider teachers our core audience, and love to hear from you pioneer new units, and expand your natural history resources.
Our seasonal ‘themes,’ from fall, through winter to spring:
Site-focused workshops for specific schools were given in 1991 for educators in Áak’w & T’aaḵú Aaní, followed by schools of northern & central Lingít Aaní in 1992&93. The original 35-mm slideshows for these too have been digitized, and are listed, under In this section.
Materials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In February, 1991, with Gustavus master-naturalist Greg Streveler, Discovery director Cinda Stanek…