Drones for habitat mapping
Flying Taashuyee-Chookan.aani For their 2024 February Watershed Workshop, SAWC (Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition) asked me for some thoughts on drones…
2024 | Richard Carstensen | 16 minute narrated slideshowDiscoverySoutheast.org
On May 25th, to celebrate school’s end, Discovery Naturalists Steve Merli, John Hudson and I accompanied 50 teachers and staff from Dzantik’i Héeni Middle School across tidal flats at the bottom of T’áa Shuyee, board squared at end (Mendenhall Valley). We started at the end of Peninsula Road and got picked up at Industrial Boulevard. The walk traversed lovely salt marsh and uplift meadows at peak of spring migration. Here’s a slideshow summary.
For navigation, I’ve prepared several geopdfs that you can load to the app Avenza, described in Tools>Field navigation Basemaps are high-res bare earth from 2013 CBJ LiDAR, and coarser 5-m pixel hillshade from IfSAR.
Flying Taashuyee-Chookan.aani For their 2024 February Watershed Workshop, SAWC (Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition) asked me for some thoughts on drones…
2024 | Richard Carstensen | 16 minute narrated slideshowMapping and observations in 1995 In June, 1995, I mapped lower ‘Duck Creek triangle,’ a sliver of fenced-off remnant tidelands…
1995, updated 2024 | Richard Carstensen | 16 pagesChecklist for our frontyard birds In 2002, as several of us embarked upon a year-long study of the birds of…
2018 | Richard Carstensen | 1 pageVisualization tools for ‘gravity-events’ What do snow avalanches, mudslides and glacial outburst floods have in common? I guess they’re all…
2023 | Richard Carstensen | 50-second video; pdf downloadsVegetation-&-rebound study for Southeast Alaska Land Trust (SEALT) In 2003, Discovery Southeast mapped tidal and supratidal habitats on the Refuge…
2004, update 2023 | Richard Carstensen | 39 pagesMorning: In the morning we visited coastal sites at Aanchg̱altsóow, nexus town (Auke Rec) and K’aan Héenak’u, porpoise little bay…
2022 | Richard Carstensen | Landforms class archivesTraversing the 2014 wetlands conservation parcel On July 16th, about 25 bushwackers assembled in the parking area at end of…
2022 | Richard Carstensen | 11 minute slideshowEnvironmental analysis of lower Jordan Creek From March through July, 1987, I assisted Dan Bishop and Bob Armstrong with an…
1987 | Bishop, Armstrong & Carstensen | 40 pagesFifty friends on backloop moraines On a sunny July 17th, 2021, Discovery Southeast and the Southeast Alaska Land Trust hosted…
2021 | Richard Carstensen | 8 minute slideshowTouring lands on Back Loop Road Discovery Southeast and the Southeast Alaska Land Trust (SEALT) have similar missions. Discovery works…
Year-3: Estuaries & steep places Two kinds of landforms & habitats have consumed my attention this winter and spring—estuaries and…
2021 | Richard Carstensen | 60 page journal & course manualFrontyard wetlands in StoryMaps Every May is American Wetlands Month, and this year, it’s especially interesting for residents of Áak’w…
Our frontyard wetlands in StoryMaps For several years I’ve been wanting to dive into ArcGIS StoryMaps, cartography for one and…
2021 | USFWS | ArcGIS StoryMapZonotrichia passage through the Highlands May 3rd, 2022. Golden-&-white-crowned sparrows are flooding through our neighborhood’s garden rows and brush borders.…
2021&22 | Richard Carstensen | short captioned videosEffects of age and succession type on forest overstory and understory In 1991 I assisted highschool students Joey Bosworth and…
1991 | Joey Bosworth & Erika O'Sullivan | 1 page posterGoat-watch at Áak’w Kwáan Sít’i (Áak’w people’s glacier) 20201203: Every other Friday, Discovery staff get together for a ‘distanced’ outing.…
2020 | Richard Carstensen | 2 page journalMaterials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In February, 1991, with Gustavus master-naturalist Greg Streveler, Discovery director Cinda Stanek…
1991 | Carstensen, Streveler, Stanek & Merli | workshop materialsMaterials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In October, 1990, with Discovery director Cinda Stanek and naturalist Steve Merli,…
1990 | Carstensen, Stanek, Merli | workshop materialsRebound, succession, fish&wildlife, and aviation on our frontyard wetlands In 2011, Jeff Sauer at Juneau Audubon asked for a presentation…
2011 | Richard Carstensen | 36-minute slideshowNorthbound swans, Áak’w Táak, inland from little lake (M-word Valley) April 4th, 2020. For the past week or more, birders…
2020 | Richard Carstensen | 3-minute video