Vascular ‘halophytes,’ upper intertidal

‘Halophytes’ are salt tolerant plants (Not salt-loving plants, halophiles, as the ecologist John Thilenius memorably insisted!) The community of vascular halophytes (as opposed to algae) in the upper intertidal is known as the salt marsh. It’s helpful to further subdivide the salt marsh into the high marsh, populated mostly by slightly tolerant grasses, and low marsh, dominated by more tolerant Lyngbye sedge.

Black bear trails in low-marsh sedges, Kòonax, (Traitor’s Cove, Revillagigedo Island).

The low marsh community of tidal sedges, goosetongue, and arrowgrass is the salad bowl of Southeast. In contrast, the high marsh is dominated by grasses like beach rye—more fibrous and less palatable than sedges—and this belt has generally lower wildlife value.

NWI (National Wetlands Inventory) maps do not delineate high and low marsh. This key ecological break needs more cartographic attention throughout Southeast Alaska. Only for the Mendenhall Wetlands near Juneau have the marsh differences been well-mapped (Carstensen et al 2004). Studies there show that the high marsh-low marsh break has changed dramatically during the past century. Human construction and river sedimentation are partially responsible, but the primary driver of salt-marsh community changes is glacial rebound. As glaciers and icefields melt, northern Southeast is responding by rising from the sea. The phenomenon, known as glacial or isostatic rebound, is more pronounced here than anywhere else in the world. Rebound rates in Glacier Bay and surroundings are as high as 1.23 inches per year (Larsen et al. 2005).

In spite of its confinement to a narrow intertidal belt, Lyngbye sedge may be the most important Southeast plant for many wide-ranging grazing birds and mammals. Its importance is especially significant in spring, before plants of the forest become available to herbivores. Sedges feed grazing black and brown bears, deer, moose, and several goose species.

For a salt-marsh food web and thoughts on trophic relations of this most generous of all ‘exporting communities,’ see Nature>Ecology>Trophics.

Mud Bay (no Tlingit name?). In June, 2013, Discovery Southeast & Bosworth Botanical Consulting surveyed this estuary for the Southeast Alaska Land Trust. Our report is here. View is south down spine of Ayik, you gotta get ready (Chilkat Peninsula). Jilkáat Wát, cache-river mouth (Chilkat estuary) in right distance.

In this section

Duck Creek mouth, then and now

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