‘Lost village’ of Áak’w Kwáan
Every Tlingit Kwáan in Southeast Alaska has at least one ‘lost village,’ known in oral history but only vaguely placed geographically. Best publicized in recent decades has been the lost (and relocated!) village of Guséix, between Dry Bay and Yakutat. Tsaa T’ei Héen, behind the seal water (Admiralty Cove) is felt by many to have been the principle village of Áak’w Kwáan, before the move to the better-known settlement of Aanchgaltsóow, in today’s Auke Bay. But as of early 2019, nobody that I’ve met claims to know exactly where the Tsaa T’ei Héen clan houses were located.
In 2012, I wrote a ‘scoping paper’ that collected everything I could find on this intriguing village. As new information, maps, etc, come in, I continue to expand this paper. Last significant update was in 2017.