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To begin mapping surficial geology in 2015, I used landform types and color-scheme from R.D. Miller, USGS, 1975, Some types were collapsed into broader categories, such as the many varieties of colluvial and raised-marine landforms.
Miller’s extraordinary original is available as a 7.5MB pdf here
For my digital version, uploaded to ArcGIS Online (AOL), Miller’s original unit boundaries have been considerably adjusted and fine-tuned from 2013 DEM-generated bare-earth. I’ve also expanded his 1975 mapping throughout lowlands accessed by the CBJ road system, and even some alpine areas, such as Héen Latinee Experimental Forest, ‘out-the-road.’
On map above, zoom with your mouse roller, or pinch-zoom on your phone. Labels are scale-sensitive; zooming in, you’ll eventually see dates on ice-position lines, surfgeo polygons, etc. For a legend with landform colorcodes tap >>, on left to expand, Then, tap again on the rightside > for a dropdown colorpalette. Click-or-tap on any geo-type polygon for a pop-up to show the complete field in my attribute table, listing landform type, generating agent, and geologic age.
To switch to another base map, open the ‘4-square’ library button for options. I recommend National Geographic Style Map. This gives fairly fine bare-earth detail when zoomed in close over moraines or river channels.
To view this map on a roomier window in ArcGISonline, select view larger map.