Supplement to the 2016 Juneau Wetlands Management Plan
In summer 2014, Koren Bosworth, Cathy Pohl, Andrew Allison and I surveyed wetlands throughout the CBJ. It may have been the most intensive field survey of any kind conducted on lands accessible from the CBJ road system. Although we were not involved in the official report to CBJ, I did write a 512-page illustrated ‘Supplement‘ detailing all wetland assessment units mapped and ‘scored’ according to the Paul Adamus WESPAK protocol. The introduction and some appendices to that Supplement are here.
Chapters in the Supplement are organized by CBJ-defined “Map Pages,” which generally coincide with the more watershed-oriented subcategories in JuneauNature>Places>Áak’w & T’aakú Aaní. My area-descriptions beginning each of these chapters in the supplement can be downloaded below as separate pdfs: