Sít’ Eetí Shaanáx (Glacier Valley) Elementary School.

This was the third school Discovery sent a naturalist to, after Harborview (me) and Mendenhall River School (Dave Lubin). For 30 years since, the forest framing Jordan Creek [noTN?] at the foot of Thunder Mountain has been Steve Merli’s office. Thousands of 3rd-to-5th-graders have had their first rich off-trail experience in these woods.

The large alluvial fan above Sít’ Eetí Shaanáx and Floyd Dryden, logged in the 1940s, once grew the most magnificent forest in Áak’w Aaní

CBJ-commissioned orthophoto, June, 2013. Diverse canopy texture indicates a wide variety of forest types.

In the early 1990s, a freshly minted “Discovery Foundation” (our name, back then) offered teacher workshops throughout Juneau School District. Overview materials from those workshops are described and linked in Nature near cbj schools. Or drill down to these content pages for a pdf & pptx specific to this pair of Valley schools.

In this section

Nature near the schools 1991: Glacier-Floyd powerpoints.

Materials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In October, 1990, with Discovery director Cinda Stanek and naturalist Steve Merli,…

1990 | Carstensen, Stanek, Merli | workshop materials