Sayéik (Gastineau) Elementary

Sayéik, spirit helper, is in X’áat’ T’áak (Bear Creek) watershed, best of our local schools for studies of deer habitat. The deep, headward-cutting canyons of little Bear Creek now finger into deltaic deposits of Shgóonaa Héenak’u (Lawson Creek)  from a time of higher sea level when this much bigger stream flowed out through today’s X’áat’ T’áak, beside the island (downtown Douglas) and Anax Yaa Andagan Yé. where sun’ rays hit first (Douglas Boat Hbr).

Hillshade from 2013 LiDAR

CBJ-commissioned orthomosaic, June, 2013

In this section

Spring avalanches

Snowslides and critters Last year around this time I posted video and thoughts about the relationship of critters to avalanches—both…

Downhill disturbance

Avalanche and wildlife It’s hard to think long about mountain goats—especially here on the precipitous coast—without wondering how they deal…

2022 | Richard Carstensen | 3 minute slideshow

Nature near the schools: Sayéik (Gastineau) Elementary. 1991

Materials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In March, 1991, with Discovery director Cinda Stanek and naturalist Cathy Pohl,…

1991 | Richard Carstensen | 22 pages

Sayéik historical series

History from the air Georeferencing old and recent vertical air photos in ArcMap makes it easy to export exactly scaled-&-aligned…

2021 | Richard Carstensen | 8 pages

Forests after logging or glaciers

Effects of age and succession type on forest overstory and understory In 1991 I assisted highschool students Joey Bosworth and…

1991 | Joey Bosworth & Erika O'Sullivan | 1 page poster