Léix’w Noow, ochre fort (Paradise Cove/Mud Bay)

We have no Lingít name for Mud Bay on Chilkat Peninsula. But several points and coves on this 11-mile-long arm do have names and stories.

In 2013 I prepared a report on the natural and cultural history of the Peninsula, which can be downloaded from JuneauNature. In the course of that work, and drawing partly from prior mapping with Kathy Hocker in 2005, I created a provisional forest-type overlay, part of which is shown here. Tan-coded burn is from a well-documented fire in 1915 that started at the sawmill, torched the lower slopes of Geisán, top of bay (Mt Ripinski), then jumped Deishú and raged southward down the inside (west) of the peninsula. My burn polygon covers a little over 1500 acres.

Left panel: Hillshade from IfSAR, downloadable as geopdf for navigation in Avenza. Right: Same scene on 2018 orthophotos.

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