Natural & cultural history of Xutsnoowú Aaní
Because our names both end in “sen,” National Geographic journalist Doug Chadwick began calling Bob Christensen and me the “Sen Brothers.” Our most sustained collaboration was during the Ground-truthing Project, 2005-2010, but we’ve continued to work together whenever opportunity presents. In summer 2012, Bob asked me to help with a training for young men on the Angoon Community Association’s Watershed Crew, all born and raised in Angoon. It proved to be so memorable that, back home again, I spent a month processing notes and photos from the 8-day trip.
My original 181-page journal-&-scoping document was in facing pages format. A decade later I’ve converted to more screen-friendly landscape mode, and added a bunch of new material, bringing it to 247 pages. To crunch that down to something downloadable from JuneauNature has required a major compression. In some cases that may render tiny labels illegible. If you’d like a higher-res copy, contact me.
During our week at Aangóon, isthmus town, thanks largely to Donald Frank, our Deisheetaan host and guide, we and our crew visited an amazing diversity of nearby bays, streams and lakes, important to the history and ongoing life of Xutsnoowú Kwáan. In my admittedly biased opinion, this journal qualifies as the best existing natural history of Aangóon.