Environmental and cultural assessment for the proposed Salmon Creek road-pipeline development
Before I began working with Dan Bishop in 1985, he teamed with 3 younger colleagues to study a proposed access road up Salmon Creek, connecting upper and lower powerhouses. Surely he must have talked about this project in the decade I knew him. But I was surprised to find the report in the collection of Environaid materials that Dan’s daughter Gretchen brought by for me to scan, reformat, and disseminate.
Before flipping through this lovely report, I’d forgotten that my first visits to the dam for brookie fishing in the late 1970s were not on the bikeable gravel road we take for granted today. Instead, it was a muddy slog alongside remains of a locomotive tramway.
Bushwacking through the southside forests in winter of 2022, Steve Merli and I frequently puzzled over old traversing roadbeds and second-growth forests obviously dating to the early 1900s. So it was a delight to discover the historical section of this report by Tim Moore—at the time a fresh archeology grad from CSU—now father of Discovery’s current board vice president, Sarah Moore.