Flooding of Tsirku River into Chilkat Lake: impacts on salmon
For Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA), Dan Bishop and I visited Chilkat Lake outlet in August and October 1988. Our report was delivered in January, 1989
This work vastly expanded Dan’s earlier 1981 study of Tsirku flooding, focused mostly on the unraveling airstrip. In this digitized version of the 1989 report, I’ve also retroactively expanded the air-photo historical series with 8 images: 6 before and 2 subsequent to our 1980s work.
Dan submitted detailed mylar maps to NSRAA, I haven’t been able to locate copies in the Environaid archives. I do remember spending several days on an autolevel survey, looping through Clear Creek, Tsirku River and the airstrip-turned-overflow channel—raw material for one of the most elaborate maps I made for Environaid. It’d be fun to relocate that and add it to this report.