Materials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series
In March, 1993, with Gustavus master-naturalist Greg Streveler, I gave a site-based workshop for teachers of Angoon. Some teachers from Tenakee also attended. The area we visited with teachers, and described in these materialsi is reachable within minutes on foot from the school.
Deliverables from the Eisenhower workshop resided for a time in 3-ring binders, given to the school library. Today, they’re digital:
● Our summary manual Nature near the schools: Northern & Central Lingít Aaní, includes the Chatham District materials. It’s a 17 MB download
● A slideshow for Angoon & Tenakee schools, originally in the form of 35mm slides (yes, kids, that’s what “slideshow” means!) is now available as an 18 MB powerpoint with presenter notes