Exhuming an early slideshow
Back in 2011, preparing for a Charter School/Goldbelt Heritage overnight expedition to Methodist Camp,’out-the-road,’ I created a narrated .exe-format slideshow in the since-defunct program Proshow. Because the 16-minute show contained my most developed reasoning to-date on likeliest site of the 50-person winter village—probably the second most important cultural site in Áak’w Aaní—I’ve often thought it should be dusted off and uploaded to JuneauNature. Fortunately, Proshow’s successor, Photopia, has successfully translated and uploaded the show to Discovery’s Vimeo.
Thoughts on that village’s location drew from readings of Euro-explorers’ journals, familiarity with deposition and erosion throughout the delta, and a formative entrée into the question “Why do we live here?“, thanks to Kate Cruz and Goldbelt Heritage Foundation, soon (2013) to become a Discovery mantra. This part about the old L’eeneidí village begins at 11:40 on the slider.
Another piece of this show that a lot of work went into was replication of a Winter & Pond photo with Kathy Hocker during our Repeat photography project. That story begins at 4 minutes on the slider. It involved not only a lot of cartographic wizardry (notable at least for the time; 2011 was the dark ages of GIS) but the climbing of a hundred-foot spruce, something I’d not be anxious to replicate in 2022. After all, that spruce is now about 20 feet taller, and I’m about 8 millimeters shorter.