Documenting change through repeat photography in Southeast Alaska
Carefully framed retakes of historical photographs documenting vegetation and landform change in response to natural or human disturbance. . Due to glacial, tectonic, climatic, and anthropogenic processes, much of Southeast Alaska is undergoing clear, rapid change. A good variety of air-, ground-, and water-based historical photos provide baseline points for measuring and illustrating this change.
In 2004 and 05, Kathy Hocker and collected and catalogued historic photographs, then selected and retook a subset of these in northern and central Southeast addressing change in response to disturbance types, including:
● glacial rebound; raised former tideland
● long-term climate change
● deglaciation; primary succession
● fluvial dynamics; erosion & deposition
● blowdown; wind-throw versus wind-snap
● fire; defining the borders of our bioregion
● town, mill and cannery site abandonment
● mine-related disturbances
● logging; selective vs clearcut; alluvial vs upland
Includes an appendix on stereophotography (example below)