Pocket wildlands: forests and ponds of Áak’w Táak
Fifty friends on backloop moraines On a sunny July 17th, 2021, Discovery Southeast and the Southeast Alaska Land Trust hosted…
2021 | Richard Carstensen | 8 minute slideshowDiscoverySoutheast.org
Discovery has worked at Mendenhall River School since our first teacher workshops in the early 1990s.Our first naturalist here was Davey Lubin, the Nature Dude, who sometimes arrived in class attired in skunk cabbage and other native flora.
MRS is only moments on foot from the vast Recreation Area, where students can experience beaver workings, and study post-glacial recolonization.
In the early 1990s, a freshly minted “Discovery Foundation” (our name, back then) offered teacher workshops throughout Juneau School District. Overview materials from those workshops are described and linked in Nature near cbj schools. Or drill down to these content pages for a pdf & pptx specific to Mendenhall River school.
Fifty friends on backloop moraines On a sunny July 17th, 2021, Discovery Southeast and the Southeast Alaska Land Trust hosted…
2021 | Richard Carstensen | 8 minute slideshowMaterials from the Eisenhower Math and Science series In February, 1991, with Gustavus master-naturalist Greg Streveler, Discovery director Cinda Stanek…
1991 | Carstensen, Streveler, Stanek & Merli | workshop materials