New masterpage for Bishop-Environaid reports
Streamwalker returns Last winter (2021-22) I posted about initial efforts to make Dan Bishop’s papers available for digital download. Scanning,…
Between 1974 and 1991, Dan Bishop, proprietor of Environaid, was probably the most widely respected environmental consultant in Southeast Alaska—the go-to advisor for any project idea involving water. His publications were delivered to agencies, NGOs and developers, but rarely archived in journals, thus largely unavailable to naturalists, scientists or curious outdoorsfolk. UAS Egan Library has some of the later reports in printed form, donated by Beth and Gretchen, and many are referenced by Juneau Public Library. Search on “bishop environaid.” With minor exceptions, however, few have been digitized for download.
I’ve long aspired to change that. As of early 2023, working from a box of scannable raw materials, I’ve assembled fairly high-res pdfs of Dan’s 20-or-so most useful papers. For a sense of the geographic and disciplinary range of Dan’s work, a good starting point is my 8 page list of Environaid reports. Download pdf (3MB)
Left: Photo from USFS archives, when Dan worked at Forestry Sciences Labs. Right: Dan and daughter Gretchen on a stream near Haines airport, on contract for ADOT
In 1985 I was a long-haired hermit caretaking the scout camp at Asx’ée, twisted tree (Eagle River). Not a fan of civilization, I was nevertheless conscripted into environmental consulting by this silverbacked Streamwalker (Discoveries, Fall 1996 issue). Somewhat of a dropout himself, Dan had left his position as USFS Tongass Hydrologist to start the consulting firm Environaid.. By the time I started working with him, it seemed like everybody wanted Dan on their team. But whether developer, regulator, or environmental advocate, they knew this guy wouldn’t bend his findings to their perceived need.
Dan’s early death in 1991 left a hole, not just in lives of family and friends, but in the relationship of humans to this archipelago. By example (not by preaching) he taught his “associates” to speak for habitat. We also laughed a lot.
In his last years, one of Dan’s regrets was the fate of Environaid reports—so carefully researched and assembled yet often commissioned by busy bureaucrats who filed them away (or not!) in rarely-opened archives. The main beneficiaries of those reports, Dan said, were we who got to experience and describe these wondrous, often wounded places, from Jilkáat, (Chilkat country) down to Tàan (Prince of Wales Island).
So, let’s expand that tiny list of bushwacking beneficiaries. In 2022, Dan’s daughter Gretchen brought by half a carload of 30-year-old+ Environaid documents, with original sets of associated maps and graphics. I spent parts of the last 2 winters running these through my flatbed scanner, laying them up in a standardized format, and uploading pdfs to JuneauNature. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) failed on a handful that were created on an early dot-matrix printer, but even those are now clean and easily readable. Most have hyperlinked contents and are searchable and cut-&-pasteable. This Media types>Bishop-Environaid category page will henceforth be your digital ‘streamwalkers’ library.’ Each link below takes you to a content page describing the study.
I once made a hand-stippled, pre-GIS version of this map for an Environaid advertising 4-fold. It seems to have disappeared. (Way easier in ArcMap! :)
● 1980 Auke Lake Community College land-water investigation
● 1980 Chilkat Valley late fall and winter salmon streams
● 1981 Tsirku-Chilkat confluence hydrology
● 1981 Tsirku-Chilkat-Lake flooding
● 1981 Salmon Creek road assessment. with Mills (Caulfield), Jacoby and Moore
● 1985 Chuck River sediment sampling
● 1985 Nettleslide(Behrends) avalanche obliques
● 1985 Thomas Bay with Lentfer, Barr & Boyce
● 1986 Juneau streams (draft recommendations)
● 1987 Environmental analysis of lower Jordan Creek. With Armstrong & Carstensen
● 1987 Big Dipper (N Fork) Lake, with Smith & Carstensen
● 1987 Gustavus ditches, with Streveler
● 1989 Haines Airport phase-1. with G Bishop & Carstensen
● 1989 Haines Airport phase-2. with G Bishop & Carstensen
● 1989 Chilkat Lake outlet floods. with Carstensen
● 1990 Big Boulder historical series Carstensen
● 1990 Haines Airport monitoring plan with G Bishop & Carstensen
● 1991 Big Boulder Creek with Pollard
Streamwalker returns Last winter (2021-22) I posted about initial efforts to make Dan Bishop’s papers available for digital download. Scanning,…
King salmon spawning reaches on Yakwyaax̱ Methods suggested for enhancing chinook spawning and rearing habitats in the alluvial fan channel…
1991 | Bishop & Pollard | 35 pagesDescriptions & recommendations for streams of Áak’w & T’aaḵú Aaní A marked-up draft of this report is all I can…
1986 | Dan Bishop | 37 pagesThe all-stars assess Taalḵú 1985 was a busy year for Dan Bishop. On my chronological list of Environaid publications I…
1985 | Bishop, Lentfer, Barr & Boyce | 75 pagesDan and Greg and the water table Quite the dynamic duo! Lingít Aaní’s senior hydrologist teamed with Sít’ Eeti Geeyí’s…
1987 | Bishop & Streveler | 45 pagesA water source for Craig In April, 1987, Dan Bishop, Leigh Smith and I flew into a lovely lake 9…
1987 | Bishop, Smith & Carstensen | 33 pagesCreated ponds and wetlands Mitigation for impacts from Haines Airport reconstruction called for new fish rearing ponds and wetlands creation.…
1990 | Bishop, Bishop & Carstensen | 41 pagesOverlays as ‘pageflippers’ This was the only Environaid publication for which I was sole author. To prepare for field work,…
1990 | Carstensen-Environaid | 15 pagesReturn to the Nexus Between 1988 and 1989, Environaid made a total of 8 visits to Sawmill Wetland. Initial work…
1989 | Bishop, Bishop & Carstensen | 47 pagesFlooding of Tsirku River into Chilkat Lake: impacts on salmon For Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (NSRAA), Dan Bishop and…
1989 | Bishop & Carstensen | 53 pagesProposed Haines Airport reconstruction In October, 1988 and January, 1989, I joined Dan and his daughter Gretchen Bishop for a…
1989 | Bishop, Bishop & Carstensen | 47 pagesWall tenting below zero On this, my first job with Environaid, I didn’t pay attention to WHY we sloshed around…
1985 | Dan Bishop | 28 pagesOblique aerials after the last big one In a binder of slides and negatives that Brita Bishop lent me, I…
1985 | Dan Bishop | 7 pagesTrouble at the airstrip Where Chilkat Lake empties into Tsirku River, aggrading floodplains have created a delicately balanced flow regime…
1981 | Dan Bishop | 21 pagesHydrologic studies on a major salmon spawning habitat After a scoping visit for National Audubon, Dan’s next contract in Greater…
1981 | Dan Bishop | 30 pagesChilkat valley streams: Late fall & winter salmon runs One of the first Environaid studies was commissioned by National Audubon…
1980 | Dan Bishop | 39 pagesWhen a hydrologist lives on a lake All of Dan and Beth’s now-adult children grew up on the shores of…
2018 | Richard Carstensen | 1 pageTwenty-seven crossings of Ḵaalahéenak’u North Douglas Highway’s irritating dead-end has always seemed an affront to public-spirited builders. According to Dan…
1985 | Dan Bishop | 34 pagesEnvironmental and cultural assessment for the proposed Salmon Creek road-pipeline development Before I began working with Dan Bishop in 1985,…
1981 | Bishop, Mills, Jacoby and Moore | 95 pagesEnvironmental analysis of lower Jordan Creek From March through July, 1987, I assisted Dan Bishop and Bob Armstrong with an…
1987 | Bishop, Armstrong & Carstensen | 40 pages