Ice caves, goats & white-tailed ptarmigan
When the lake freezes 20170205 Remarkable diversity of photo- and video-opportunities on this February walk to the terminus. Ice caves…
2017 | Richard Carstensen | 2 minute slideshowDiscoverySoutheast.org
All ‘landbirds’ except the families considered ‘songbirds.’ For example, raptors, owls, woodpeckers, and upland game birds (family Phasianidae)
When the lake freezes 20170205 Remarkable diversity of photo- and video-opportunities on this February walk to the terminus. Ice caves…
2017 | Richard Carstensen | 2 minute slideshowHooters & janwú at 80 degrees On an afternoon hike to Granite Basin, got another chance to test the new…
2021 | Richard Carstensen | 90 second slideshowPowerpoint & script for spring Nature Studies Rainforest is not the first place a birder gravitates to. In breeding season,…
1990 | Richard Carstensen | powerpoint & presenter's scriptThis field-ID laminate introduces common land-&-sea birds of Southeast. Beginning birders can be overwhelmed by the number of species in…
Summary of a 14 month bird survey on Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge, undertaken on request from US Fish &…
2004 | Robert Armstrong, Richard Carstensen, Mary Willson | 77 pages